37 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini menganalisa pengaruh modifikasi kepala silinder terhadap campuran bahan bakar-udara pada mesin Honda GX-160. Penelitian ini  dilakukan dengan cara memotong kepala silinder sebesar 0,1, 0,2, 0,3, 0,4, dan  0,5. mm yang akan memperkecil ruang bakar sehingga mempertingi kompresi.  Hasil penelitian pada performa mesin kondisi kepala silinder standar, untuk nilai  torsi yang tertinggi dihasilkan 0,63 N.m pada putaran mesin 3800 rpm. Dan pada  kondisi kepala silinder yang telah dimodifikasi, nilai torsi yang tertinggi pada  putaran mesin 1,10, 1,14, 2,74, 3,13,5,09. N-m.Daya tertinggi yang dihasilkan  pada kondisi kepala silinder standar yaitu 3800 rpm yaitu 0,36 hp serta pada  kondisi kepala silinder yang telah dimodifikasi daya tertinggi pada putaran mesin  3800 rpm yaitu 0,64, 0,66, 1,57, 1,82, 2,97 hp Nilai torsi dan daya yang  dihasilkan cenderung lebih tinggi dengan menggunakan kepala silinder  modifikasi. Komsumsi bahan bakar spesifik (SFC) yang dihasilkan pada kondisi  standar cenderung lebih tinggi di bandingkan dengan kondisi kepala silinder  yang telah dilakukan modifikasi, SFC terendah pada kepala silinder yang telah  dimodifikasi yaitu pada putaran mesin 3800 rpm yaitu 1,67, 1,61, 0,87 0,58 0,32  kg/hp.h.

    Determinasi Knowledge Management Success Factors pada Universitas Swasta di Palembang Studi Kasus: Universitas Indo Global Mandiri

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    AbstractKnowledge management (KM) is very important for organizations to increase competitive advantage. While many KM issues have been discussed by many researchers, there is a desire for studies aimed at the adoption and practice of KM in higher education, especially private universities. The purpose of this research is to identify, find, extract and classify several factors for the success of Knowledge Management implementation for the University. This study involved 37 lecturers from a private university in Palembang as respondents. through factor analysis with the Principal Component Analysis method, several factors have been successfully determined and grouped according to their components. These factors are: Organization Culture, Organization Structure, IT Infrastructure, Common Knowledge, Physical Environment, Internalization, and Externalization.Keywords : KM, CSF, Private University, PCA AbstrakKnowledge Management (KM) sangat penting bagi organisasi untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif. Sementara itu topik KM telah banyak dibahas oleh beberapa penelitian sebelumnya, adanya ketertarikan untuk meneliti proses adopsi dan praktek KM pada pendidikan tinggi, terutama universitas swasta. Tujuan  penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi, menemukan, mengekstrak dan mengklasifikasikan beberapa faktor keberhasilan (Critical Success Factor) implementasi Knowledge Manajemen pada Universitas Swasta. Penelitian ini melibatkan 37 orang dosen salah satu universitas swasta di Palembang sebagai responden. Melalui analisis faktor dengan metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA), beberapa faktor telah berhasil ditentukan dan dikelompokkan sesuai dengan komponennya. Faktor-faktor ini adalah: Budaya Organisasi, Struktur Organisasi, Infrastruktur TI, Pengetahuan Umum, Lingkungan Fisik, Internalisasi, dan Eksternalisasi.Kata kunci : KM, CSF, Universitas Swasta, PC

    The Effect of Project Based Learning (PjBL) on Physics Learning: A Meta-Analysis

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    Ideally education should prepare students to be able to face challenges in the future. The physics learning process implemented by teachers in the classroom should be able to encourage the growth of 21st century skills in students. In reality, the learning process still uses conventional methods and teacher-centered, so that the ability of students is low. For this reason, PjBL is implemented to improve students’ abilities in physics subjects. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of similar research that use PjBL. The type of research used is meta-analysis research with a quantitative approach. The results of this research are the first, namely the impact of similar research from PjBL which indicates that PjBL has a positive impact on physics learning. Second, based on grade level, similar study effects of PjBL showed that grade X had a more significant effect. Thirdly, based on the learning materials, the impact of similar studies of PjBL shows that the topic of simple harmonic motion has a significant impact. Fourth, based on the learning media that has a more significant effect on similar research, namely LKS media. Fifth, based on the aspects reviewed, the impact of similar studies of PjBL indicated that the aspect of problem-solving ability has a more significant impact. This research can be used as a reference to develop PjBL at school levels, different materials, various interactive media, and aspects reviewed


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    Latar belakang masalah penelitian belum tersedianya media pembelajaran mata pelajaran Pemeliharaan Mesin Sepeda Motor yang tervalidasi dan reliabel. Peneliti menawarkan solusi permasalahan dengan membuat rancangan media. Prosedur penelitian mengacu pada tahapan pengembangan model Design Based Research. Metode penelitian menggunakan mix method. Pembuatan media pembelajaran Cylinder Head AR menggunakan software Unity 3D Vuforia SDK. Pengujian media pembelajaran Cylinder Head AR dilakukan oleh ahli materi, media, kurikulum menggunakan expert judgement. Hasil validasi menghasilkan penilaian, komentar dan saran sebagai bahan perbaikan media pembelajaran sebelum diujicobakan ke siswa. Hasil penilaian para ahli, aplikasi media pembelajaran Cylinder Head AR dinyatakan sesuai dari segi materi, tampilan, fungsi-fungsi dan sistem, sesuai dengan kurikulum. Hasil pembuatan aplikasi media pembelajaran memberikan dampak visual yang sangat memuaskan pada aspek usability, yaitu kemudahan penggunaan Cilyder Head AR, Mata Pelajaran Pemeliharaan Mesin Sepeda Motor tanpa mendatangkan komponen tersebut secara real. Hasil pengujian aspek usability menunjukkan sistem aplikasi Cylinder Head AR berbasis android layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran The background of the research problem is the unavailability of validated and reliable Motorcycle Engine Maintenance subject learning media. Researchers offer solutions to problems by designing media. The research procedure refers to the stages of developing the Design Based Research model. The research method uses the mix method. Making Cylinder Head AR learning media using Unity 3D Vuforia SDK software. Cylinder Head AR learning media testing is carried out by material experts, media, curriculum using expert judgment. Validation results produce judgments, comments and suggestions as material for improving learning media before being tested to students. The results of the assessment of experts, the application of Cylinder Head AR learning media is stated according to the material, appearance, functions and systems, in accordance with the curriculum. The results of making instructional media applications provide a very satisfying visual impact on usability aspects, namely the ease of use of Cilyder Head AR, Motorbike Engine Maintenance Subjects without bringing these components in real. The results of usability aspects testing show that the Cylinder Head application system based on Android is feasible to be used as a learning media


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    Wound is defined as the disruption of the anatomic and cellular continuity of tissue caused by chemical, thermal ,physical, immunological and microbial, or injury to the tissue. Seaweed contains secondary metabolites such as flavonoids and saponins.  Red seaweed contains albumin which can accelerate the process of wound healing. This study aims to determine the concentration of red seaweed ethanol extract which has an effect as a wound wound healing and to determine the length of wound healing from each concentration. A total of 25 rats were divided into 6 groups consisting of positive control given 10% povidone iodine ointment, negative control given vaseline albumin, Group  1 (Concentration 7.5% ethanol extract of red seaweed),  group 2 ( Concentration 15 % ethanol extract of red seaweed, group 2 ( Concentration 30% ethanol extract of red seaweed). Phytochemical screening on ethanol extracts of red seaweed showed the presence of secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, saponins, quinones, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Albumin identification shows positive results. Changes in wound area or wound surface were observed by measuring the diameter of the wound from days 1 to 16, and the diameter of the wound was converted into percent using the Morton method. Data analysis using non-parametric tests. The analysis showed a significant difference (p <0.05) between the positive and negative control groups, and there was no difference between positive controls with concentrations of 7.5%, 15%, 30% on the 4 day. The 30% concentration is the group that provides the fastest wound healing effect on the 12 day when compared to the 7.5% and 15% concentration groups . The results of this study indicate that ethanol extract of red seaweed has a healing effect on the wound

    Analisis Aksesibilitas Pelaku UMKM Mendapatkan Kredit Usaha Rakyat di Provinsi Sumatera Barat (Berdasarkan Susenas 2019)

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana Aksesibilitas UMKM dalam mendapatkan Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Analisis Regresi Logistik dan menggunakan data dari hasil Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) tahun 2019. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu lapangan usaha, jenis kelamin, umur, tingkat pendidikan, jumlah anggota keluarga, pengeluaran per kapita, kepemilikan surat tanah, tipe daerah sebagai variabel independen dan akses terhadap Kredit Usaha Rakyat sebagai variabel dependen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sektor usaha, tingkat pendidikan, dan pengeluaran per kapita berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap akses mendapatkan Kredit Usaha Rakyat. Variabel umur, jumlah anggota keluarga dan tipe daerah menunjukkan hasil yang negatif dan signifikan terhadap akses mendapatkan Kredit Usaha Rakyat. Sedangkan variabel jenis kelamin dan kepemilikan surat tanah tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap akses mendapatkan Kredit Usaha Rakyat di Provinsi Sumatera Barat pada tahun 2019. Kata Kunci : Lapangan Usaha, Umur, Jenis Kelamin, Tingkat Pendidikan, Jumlah Anggota Keluarga, Pengeluaran Per Kapita, Kepemilikan Surat Tanah, Tipe Daerah, Aksesibilitas KUR